
for A save haven DONATE NOW abused women and children a Support DONATE NOW survivor for as little as R100 pm DONATE NOW
Who We Are
A safe haven for abused women and children in Cape Town

Huis Jabes, situated in the northern suburbs of Cape Town, provides a temporary home and rehabilitation centre to victims of family abuse. We provide meals, shelter, medical care, counselling and career guidance to empower these women to create a better future for themselves and their children.

How You Can Help

We have helped over 825 women and children secure a better future for themselves through a process of rehabilitation.

Day-To-Day Necessities

We need a wide range of consumables to create a homely environment for the victims

Everyone can
make a difference


We are a non-profit organisation. A temporary home for survivors of extreme abuse with literally nowhere else to turn.

Our mission is to help victims heal through caring for every aspect of their beings: psychological, physical and spiritual. We take care of everything, so they can take care of themselves.

Our goal is to become financially self-sustainable through the committed help of donors. To purchase our own house for the care of victims, and to branch out beyond the Western Cape.

We believe that broken people don’t deserve broken things, and strive to receive every newcomer to Huis Jabes with a comfortable and private bedroom with clean new bedding, towels and clothes to wear.

You are not alone

3 ways to get help or contribute.

Corporate Sponsors

Thank you to our corporate sponsors
and philanthropic supporters


Sonder Huis Jabes sou ons nie die nodige hulp kon ontvang om emosioneel gesond te raak nie.

Anoniem 2

Baie dankbaar date ek ‘n 2de kans gegun is. Adri en Elize het elke tree van die pad saam met my gestap. Hulle het vir my Engele op aarde geraak, en Huis Jabes, ‘n veilige vesting.


Ek en my kinders het ons eerste nag in jare in vrede, liefde en rustigheid geslaap. Ek het met dankbaarheid die volgende oggend na my seun (toe 7) en my dogtertjie (toe 2) gekyk, en ek het geglimlag terwyl trane van dankbaarheid oor my wange rol, hulle gesiggies rustig en vol vrede. ”

Anoniem 1

Our Team
You are not alone and there is hope to rebuild your life
and to have a happy, fulfilling future.

Leah van Niekerk


Therese Bam


Andries Vermeulen


Jan Boland Coetzee


Eben Etzebeth


Contact us


General Enquiriesinfo@sostrust.co.za

Adri Klindt – 083 564 3313

Annemi Marais – 083 284 3111