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Domestic Violence Statistics
Domestic Violence Statistics

1 in 4 women suffer abuse at the hands of the person they love the most: their partner. Children never have a say in these matters. Abuse doesn’t stick to certain profiles: it happens all around us. The fact is that abuse is a pattern that is rooted in deeply seated psychological issues that take years of help to resolve.…

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What is domestic abuse?
What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse can be physical, financial or emotional Domestic abuse is not limited to acts of physical violence. If you are exposed to any of the following, you may be an abuse victim. Sexual abuse Physical abuse or assault like slapping, biting, kicking or being threatened Damage to your property or personal possessions Stalking Economic abuse – when your domestic…

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Rugby Entoesiaste – Help Huis Jabes
Rugby Entoesiaste – Help Huis Jabes

In Augustus het Huis Jabes ‘n spesiale rugby-aand gehou by D’Aria landgoed as een van ons belangrikste geldinsamelingsprojekte. By dié geleentheid is daar gesellig gekuier en natuurlik baie oor rugby gepraat. Oudspring-bok-spelers soos Jan “Boland” Coetzee, wat tussen 1974 en 1976 vir die Springbokke gespeel het, Rassie Erasmus, Rob Louw, André Vos en Kobus Burger het die geleentheid bygewoon en…

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